Elementary Classes

An affordable, easy-to-access elementary school option for students around the globe.

Individual or with parent

Online or print

Skills-based and FUN

Click on your child’s grade level to see the scope and sequence for each course.

We have a rolling enrollment program and resources to allow your child to work on your schedule to learn U.S. History with fun and engaging activities.

Why are you providing thid for 90% less than other options?

In our first year using Studies Weekly, I want to ensure I can deliver quality U.S. history content at an affordable rate. As such, you only have to pay $199 per course. Looking at other popular options, this is a steal. Take advantage before this offer runs out.

Is there a catch?

No. I’m also going to provide you with a lesson blueprint, extra materials, and a chance to show off your work with other students in your class. Depending the location, we are hoping to give students the opportunity to meet-up about once a month to do activities together.

Why shouldn’t I just sign up myself?

Well, you can if you want. Instead, let U.S. History for Expats do the heavy lifting. We’ll put together a blueprint for the week, sort through the 20-30 pages of lesson plans so you can spend more time with your child learning U.S. history rather than trying to figure out what to do. Also, your child will not have the chance to meet-up with other students and showcase their work.

How much time per week?

If you just do the activities online, it should take about 30 minutes. If you do all the activities and go through the questions, it could take up to an hour.


Anytime throughout the week. The classes will be asynchronous. Sign up will be continuous although our meetups will focus on activities in sequence with students starting in September.

How much is it?

$199 gets you a blueprint of each week’s materials, lesson plans, and (optional) meet-ups to do group activities.

Sign up for an info session